This article describes the anthropocentric study of urbanonyms in Uzbek linguistics and their relationship with the name and society, the types of urbanonyms and the motivations for the formation of names belonging to separate semantic groups. Collecting urban names of the city of Urgench and their scientific description, determining the place of urban names in the onomastic system of the Uzbek language, summarizing the information related to the linguistic status of urban names, determining the linguistic and cultural characteristics and sociolinguistic features of urban names, the linguistic status of urban names, other toponyms It is based on the fact that the conclusions and interpretations made as a result of the study of the place, formation features, sociolinguistic and linguocultural features of the species, provide important and necessary scientific information for the current Uzbek onomastics, in particular, urbanonymics, and the scientific views in the analysis serve to develop the approaches in the analysis process. The theoretical conclusions of the research can serve as a scientific and methodological basis for specialists who research sociolinguistic and linguocultural characteristics.
Keywords: onomastics, urbanonym, oronym, phytonym, hydronym, anthroponym, oykonym, microtoponym, necronym, linguistic factor, semantic analysis.
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